0:00:00 – 1:01:00 – “About Face” (David Hackworth) Book Analysis and Relevance.
1:01:00 – 2:02:25 – Internet Questions on Mental Toughness, Balance, and New Years Resolutions.
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Another great podcast! Keep it up!
Can’t hear it or download it – is that a mistake or am I just late to the party?
same here dude. I just learned about jocko after going down a ted talk rabbit hole/joe rogan podcasts tulsi gabbard crossover, and just finished episode 1. unable to access this one. i think spotify has the episodes as well so im going to try there and see if it works
works on spotify.. probably just an issue with the website.
Jocko! Great podcast man. Stoked you decided to start doing one. Are you doing a video version as well or audio only?
Enjoyed this one even more! I think you guys found your rhythm and Jocko’s passion about subject matter really shined through. Highly engaging! Can’t wait for the next one.
Definitely hitting your stride! Even better than the last one great job.
The podcasts are awesome! Thanks Jocko and Echo.
I wanted to post my thoughts concerning something that Echo spoke on. Often, I hear people speak of removing the “losers” and people that discourage from our lives. To me, this seems a little selfish and it seems to step away from the idea of ownership. In essence, we are saying, “it’s your fault that I’m not succeeding, so I can’t be around you anymore and be a good friend/family member.” In these situations, we need to see ourselves as leaders and inspirations to our friends and family instead of abandon them. We should let their words of discouragement become words that encourage us so we can prove to them and to ourselves that success can be achieved.
However, I do believe in the importance of finding good mentors from whom we can learn (IE: this podcast!). The influence of a good mentor can be so power in helping us achieve our goals.
Anyway, my two cents. Thanks again Jocko and Echo for these great podcasts.
Jocko – Do you ever do any speaking events? Do you have any interest in speaking to a young adult religious group in San Diego about ownership, goals, and leadership?
So, I finished listening to the podcast and you guys went over this. I’ll listen to the whole episode before commenting next time.
First off I want to say that it is rare that I take the time or care to comment on anything on the interwebs. Second thank you for your service and stepping out of your comfort zone to do these podcasts. Out of the six this one is by far my favorite especially when yourself and Echo touch on social media and people posting pictures of (themselves, food, at gym, location, etc). How it screams me…Me….ME I thought it was hilarious because you guys were right on. Great podcasts very genuine (two thumbs up)
Just came across these pod casts (Nov 2017) and decided to go back to the first one and listen while going about my day. Great life lessons, especially from podcast 2. Thumbs up and I appreciate the “service” rather than arrogance attitude to leadership, as well as discipline being the foundation of success.
This book by Arnold Isaacs describes defense secretary Robert McNamara’s project 100,000, which was the drafting of 100,000 troops of well below average IQ. I think it would be an interesting read and the author would make a great guest. The dichotomy of groupthink that had to take place to allow people to think that this was such a good idea coming from the top is just amazing. McNamara was an ivy league idiot imho. Most importantly how would Jocko have lead up the chain of command to stop something this insane? Did Colonel Hackworth run across any of these men?
I’m going back over the podcasts. Especially those where I have read the book, after the fact. This is one of those. Listening to Jocko’s summations, through his “lens of experience” sharpens my historical understanding of, not only Vietnam, but the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
By the way…F television. Jocko, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and Tim Ferris are much more interesting and informational.
Can not hear it, not even sure it is playing.
This one doesn’t play….