0:00:00 – Opening
0:12:18 – “Guidelines for the Leader and Commander”, General Bruce Clarke
2:15:49 – Get a routine. How to stay on THE PATH.
2:58:55 – Closing Gratitude.
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I am always so amazed by how all these stories of war relate to real life and the struggle. Thank you for having all these amazing leaders on your podcast. I learn so much from each one and they help me stay on the path.
Hi Sir, where can I get this book I have looked almost every where!
You guys should talk about Jonny Kim more often, people are in awe of him and like hearing about him. Also, love to see Dauber, Debbie Lee, Marcus Luttrell, Admiral McRaven, Major General Ronald Clarke, or other TU Bruiser frogmen on! Or maybe go through “American Sniper,” “The Last Punisher,” or “A Warrior’s Faith” and offer additional insight to the stories since they concern guys you worked with.
Any chance of getting a PDF of the book?? Of course don’t want to violate copywrite law but if it’s out of print maybe there is wiggle room?
Jocko, people like to hear from Leif on the podcast!
Best podcast since #174 (my all-time favorite). Looking forward to seeing this book published and will definitely buy a copy. Would be awesome for Jocko and Leif to record an audio version.
Echoing the above inquiry of PDF copy of the handbook.
Used to have a copy of that book. A mentor of mine “borrowed” it in 10-11 OIF tour. There have to be ppl with old versions out there. Though I’d reach out to the Clarke family and see if they’d like to turn it into an audible book. Isn’t his son a GO?
Please make Clarks “Guidelines for the leader and commander” available to download. I know you went through a lot of trouble to find it, but this will fit in so nicely in the fire service.
Amazon is releasing this book in paperback on 1 Feb 2021. It is available for pre-order now. Get some.
Just FYI, anyone looking for this book, you can now get it on Amazon.