0:00:00 – Opening / “I Fought With Custer” by Charles Windolph
1:47:17 – Thoughts and Take-aways
1:54:51 – Cool Internet, Onnit, JockoStore stuff
2:10:31 – Closing Thanks
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Greetings Echo,
Since you discussed the”indexing” of the podcasts (outlining the subjects and start time for each) in #48, just wanted you to hear that the time and effort is well spent and much appreciated! I use the indexes not to skip stuff, but to find the specific discussion I want to RETURN TO, to hear again. I’ve been listening for about 38 of your 48 weeks and often find myself going back to catch a specific discussion topic more than once, at the time that it applies most. So please keep getting after the indexing! And hey, tell that other guy hi for me. Bought and read AND listened to EO. Not bad, only use about… every day! Props to you both!