0:00:00 – Opening
0:00:14 – Should you ever use ultimatums?
0:06:27 – How to Let go of resentment from High school and the past.
0:17:02 – Is it okay to have a brown belt Jiu jitsu instructor?
0:24:02 – Dealing with team members only in it for them self.
0:34:52 – How to avoid having Extreme Ownership taken for weakness.
0:47:38 – How can Discipline be a weakness?
1:23:46 – How would “young Jocko” perform under “Commander Willink”?
1:30:34 – Advice for your younger self.
1:36:48 – Advice from the Tribe of Mentors.
1:53:29 – Support: JockoStore stuff, Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare, Origin Brand Apparel and Jocko Gi, with Jocko White Tea, Onnit Fitness stuff, and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.
2:19:29 – Closing Gratitude.
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Echo and Jocko,
Good morning. My head instructor is a purple belt, Josh Harper, and he is a phenomenal instructor. He owns Higher Performance JJ in Thomasville, GA. Part of our daily training is that we have a discussion group on WhatsApp where we discuss your weekly podcasts in order to make well-rounded Jiu-Jitsukas. By the Way, episode 100 was killer! We all listen at work and have our online discussion throughout the day leading up to physical training in the evenings. Keep up the GOOD work. You both help motivate us!
Not completely related to today’s cast, but I wanted to share with you anyway:
I’m a song writer / guitarist / producer of my own metal band. Last year my bands mates bailed on me in one fashion or another. After reading your book, I started to realize two important things, 1: them bailing was my fault for a variety of reasons. 2: I don’t need them to accomplish my mission. For years I wanted to be an international touring musician, achieve notoriety amongst my musical heros, and make powerful records. As time went on I slowly realized that I just want to make powerful records. Touring sucks, my only musical hero I really wanted recognition from is dead (Dimebag Darrell, Pantera) and there is little to no money in the metal industry. So I’ve focused my determination (at least for now) on just making some killer records. I’m about to finish my first record, I’m playing all the instruments, doing all the recording, and should be finished shortly after the new year. Thanks for telling what I already knew, my only regret is that I didn’t come to terms with this year’s ago. Some times, us “regular humans” just need to be told to stop bitching, take responsibility, and take action. Waking up at 5:30 is helping, 4:30 is too early for me man hahahaha.
P.S. When my record is done I’d love to send you a copy as my way of saying thanks for the inspiration. Adrian out!
Echo Charles, You need to get tested for mercury levels. Anyone who eats sushi as regularly as you report in this podcast is at risk for accumulated mercury in their bodies. Mercury has been put into the oceans via industrialization, especially since the advent of printed circuits, and the fish that are most commonly used in sushi are food chain accumulators. The test is not complicated, nor expensive and your health care provider probably will cover it since your behavior puts you at risk of this type of poisoning. Mercury poisoning is insidious as it develops very slowly and the symptoms are easily mistaken for other issues until way too late. Please, extend your service to others by taking good care of yourself. If your brother has this habit, have him do so as well!
All the best. Love the podcast.