0:00:00 – Opening
0:08:26 – “We Were Soldiers Once… And Young”, by Gen. Hal Moore and Joe Galloway.
2:16:16 – Final Thoughts and Take-aways.
2:18:34 – Support: JockoStore stuff, Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare and Discipline Pre-Mission, Origin Brand Apparel and Jocko Gi, with Jocko White Tea, Onnit Fitness stuff, and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.
2:32:04 – Closing Gratitude.
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Did Seth Stone really get killed. Why didnt jocko talk about it
Hi Jocko,
How do we submit questions for you to discuss. I have a bit of a situation in my life at the moment and I would love to hear your take on it. I loved your TED talks video and have spent a lot of time listening to your pod casts since I discovered it, and the way you speak and the concepts you support really resonate with me, so I would love to ask your advice on what I’m going through. I promise, if nothing else, its a hell of a good story.