0:00:00 – Opening
0:05:24 – Jason Redman, “The Trident”.
1:55:18 – Wounded.
2:05:00 – Recovery and Aftermath
2:42:32 – Final Thoughts and take-aways.
2:44:44 – Support: How to Stay on THE PATH.
3:01:52 – Closing Gratitude.
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Man, this website really does look like it’s from the ’90s!
Deeply Moving……I won’t ever complain about my stuff.
To Echo/site admin: under the “Books from Podcasts” section of the site, you list with each book the episode number that pertains to that book. Can you include a hyperlink to that episode in the book listing instead of just listing the episode number? Otherwise I have to scroll through several pages of episodes to get to the podcast that discusses the book I’m interested in. Just a suggestion to improve the user experience on the site.
Wife and I love what you do!!!
Thank you Jocko and Jason! As a young officer cadet in the NZ Army this story hit home. Its the kind of story that scares me as I can see myself possibly making similar mistakes in the future and it physically hurts. I’ll buy the book as a constant reminder/cautionary tale. Red you’ve shown impressive humility to tell this story so honestly and it has really helped me. Cheers.
Great example of extreme ownership and humility: Jason Redman and the book “The Trident”. Self criticism and hardwork helped a man redeeem himself after ego messed things up. – Love it
This podcast inspired me to look into morse code. Echo, do you realize that you could simplify your signature to nothing more than a single dot? Echo = E = •
You have been of tremendous assistance in advancing my career, and I will be forever grateful to you.