0:00:00 – Opening
0:05:48 – John “Tilt” Stryker Meyer
1:08:27 – What it was like Operating in Vietnam
2:11:46 – Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:16:52 – Support: How to stay on THE PATH.
2:46:50 – Closing gratitude.

On The Ground, by John Stryker Meyer
(From Ep. 181)
During the Vietnam War, a “secret war” was fought across the fence in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam, unknown to the media or the public, under the aegis of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam’s top secret Studies and Observation Group. SOG’s chain of command for missions and after-action reports extended to the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Across The Fence, By John Stryker Meyer
(From Ep. 180)
For eight years, far beyond the battlefields of Vietnam and the glare of media distortions, American Green Berets fought a deadly secret war in Laos and Cambodia under the aegis of the top secret Military Assistance Command Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group, or SOG. Go deep into the jungle with five SOG warriors surrounded by 10,000 enemy troops as they stack up the dead to build a human buttress for protection. Witness a Green Beret, shot in the back four times and left for dead, who survives to fight savagely against incredible odds to complete his missions.
SOG Chronicles, By John Stryker Meyer
(From Ep. 180)
From 1964 to 1972, far beyond the battlefields of Vietnam and the glare of media distortions, American Green Berets and their indigenous troops fought a deadly secret war in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam under the aegis of the top secret Military Assistance Command Vietnam — Studies and Observations Group, or simply SOG.
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Thank you Echo. 3 year of perfection does not go unnoticed.
My name is Chaps, one of Australia’s senior fighter pilots. I joined the RAAF to fly, fight and lead, and have been privileged to have the opportunity to do so over 20 odd years and two combat deployments to the Middle East. I’ve enjoyed a good number of your podcasts. Recently in your podcasts with Tilt Stryker he mentioned in passing ‘The Ravens’. I’m not sure if you’re familiar – they are one of the great post WWII combat aviation stories. I commend the book ‘The Ravens’ by Christopher Robbins to you — and would encourage you to seek out one of the Ravens to interview. Craig W Duehring is a published Raven, if you’re interested and looking for a place to start.
Best wishes, and I hope to hear you interview one of the Ravens one day.
Thanks for tilts podcasts I’ve read all of his as well as several other books by the sog men I would love to hear from some of the guys featured in the night of the silver stars if any are still alive love the cast I’ll definitely subscribe!!!!