0:00:00 – Opening
0:04:42 – History, Jiu Jitsu, Extreme Ownership and how it applies EVERYWHERE.
2:16:00 – Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:20:00 – How to stay on THE PATH.
2:47:28 – Closing Gratitude.
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Echo Charles’ ORIGIN story.
Solid cast. Was always currious how that relationship/friendship developed. Plus a bit of echo’s background good to know.
Oh my god this podcast had me rolling! Datch was good stuffs.
Dear Mr. Willink
I am doing a side gig as a stock market day trader. Incase you are unaware of what that means, it means I buy and sell stocks multiple times a day, making profit from the movement of stock prices each day. The success of this job relies solely on one’s ability to remain calm under pressure. If one can’t stomach loosing hundreds of dollars at 9 am each day they simply won’t survive. Since taking on this job I’ve learned how to be calm under pressure, what i’m struggling with is the longevity of my ability to stay calm. I find myself trading well for a few weeks, then having to take a week off as my ability to stay calm under pressure dwindles the longer I trade, after which I find myself having to take time off and reset. I can’t think of another public figure who is better equipped to answer this question. How does you maintain the ability to remain grounded and can when you are forced to risk your lively hood every day for an extended period of time? Thank you for your time and service.
It is an excellent podcast. I love his story. I want to hear more podcasts. It is best if you can release many meaningful podcasts. It motivates me in the difficult period. I appreciate you and your podcast. It saves my soul.