0:00:00 – Opening
0:06:57 – Dan Crenshaw.
3:28:32 – Final thoughts and take-aways.
3:40:46 – How to stay on THE PATH.
3:55:59 – Closing Gratitude.
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I would like to point out that “morality” and “law” have existed a LONG time before Judeo-Christianity. That is why law technically outranks religion, not the other way around (like in the Middle east). That is not to say that people do not do evil acts. They certainly do. I happen to have a psyc background too and one of the main things which I find most frustrating about Jordan Peterson is that he takes a LOT of liberty with psychology and uses anecdotes a LOT. There are limits to psyc as there are to everything else, and it is important to understand what those limits are. And to keep the subject separate from religion. Bc that is a different discipline. Greece had laws, sparta had laws and they did not have Christian-Judeo roots.
I understand that you guys are veterans and have rather freshly returned from a conflict which was largely (and in my opnion, falsely) described as religious. As such you might be more prone to using these kinds of arguments. But I assure you Genital mutiulation is still “evil” to me regardless of which religion and which gender it is being performed on. And that it predates religion in a lot of parts of the world. I would like to you consider reading history a little bit and tightening up the facts and THEN going forward with the arguments. You’ll run into a lot fewer obstacles and be more successfull in both the long term and the short term.
There will be men and women in the middle east who see the evil being done by perverting religion. But you will not be able to reach common ground with them if you just go: “Christian-Judeo is better”. Most of that society is very much family-centered. They are not making peace bc they killed their relatives, so they cannot make peace. The religion is more of a pretext. The problem is it is an extreme society with rather extreme societal practices and that always leads to extreme population traits in a higher % than normal. If the normal is “I can chop of your hand”, if you’re my friend, you can bet everythign that when you’re an enemy they’ll do a lot worse than that. And only the cruelest will survive that particular hierarchy structure. It has nothing to do with religion. Read the text itself and you will see. Their religion is their version of “be better”. It encourages peace!
But religion did not evolve the same way in every population. It evolved differently in many places. Take China for example. Their “religion” led to god emperors who killed, maimed and mutilated millions before communism replaced it.
Do you understand? They are reacting to what they are used to based on their history. So, yes, China is far more likely to see “religion” and “religious leaders” as the thing which they need to remove in order to restore peace and balance. It is a combination of perception and history.
In Europe however, communism tried to “destroy” God, when God was not the problem. They didn’t have god emperors. So morality survived that entire process and existed in the absence of any religious teaching. It still does. When communism fell people restored their old places of worship. There was no ill will towards religious leaders bc they were not the problem. So people rejected it.
China NEEDS structure and community spirit. But it does not need God-like leadership. That is a dark place for them to return to. If you don’t fix your understanding and your facts you will create more conflicts that you solve.
Peterson is of Irish descent. Personally some of the best ppl I ever met were of Irish/scottish descent. I honestly don;t know why, but anyway, it works. (But they are also extraordinarity stubborn and short sighted at times And somehow the fact that I agree with them on most things just makes it even more irritating for the things we disagree on, especially if they dig in them heels.) which is probably why I find him so frustrating. Irish culture is just recently recovered from a conflict which was in part religious. Where people used religion to drive wedges in the community. Psychologically they are still recovering from it. So, he defends religion strongly bc it was under attack for no real reason. And bc he is witnessing some of those elements returning. And bc he is very stubborn and unwilling to see the other side once he thinks he’s in a conflict and has a clear target. Which is why I usually avoid outright arguments with ppl when they’re in that state of mind. I wait until they calmed down a bit and then try to reason with them. I was sorry to hear that he was having medical problems and i hope he gets throught them bc I still want to debate him some day. It on my bucket list. I never met him, but i wish i had some times. I really do. He doesn’t see a way through the current predicament which is why he is so stressed out. There is always a way through. Its just hard to see it when you’re in conflict, you gotta step back to get some perspective. And because they have some real bad eggs over there too, and that morality structure keeps them in check for the most part. Never disregard the context. I met exttremely few like that, but I have good instincts and i am typically good at avoiding bad eggs in general.
if you try to take away the things which historically have been beneficial, people will fight you. But you don’t need to. If the idea is to promote law and justice and decent behaviour – then you need to get the contexts straight. And you need to understand that people are just different some times. They don’t have to be exactly like you for you to be able to understand them and I would argue…..don;t do it to be “nice”, do it because it will enable you to get to your goals more effectively. The gut recognises evil. That is why it is in all the myths and the legends. That is why it is beyond religion. Knowing that might help a lot. If you attack the religion, you attack the positive aspect. But if you attack corruption and perverting of religion and denigration of common regular ppl – that is different. The real problem is not a book written 1000 years ago. They misinterpreted Jacko in 5 min online!
It is human nature to misinterpret. And to go to extremes. That is why we have representative democracy. Bc in real life there;s always someone else to pull you back. There’s always a neighbour somewhere to want to take you down a few pegs. That’s why it works. God on the other hand…not so much.
Evil does exist. Its our capascity to feel which allows us to feel good and evil. Its a gut reaction. It exists in chimps, and they are very sadistic to their enemies at times, and very kind to their friends. Look at history, the more western society evolved and procured more resources the less cruel it became to its citizens. Look at sparta. And then watch that movie. and then tell me honestly: could the entire tragedy not been avoided if they simply found a way around listening to the diseased and corrupt oracles?? Nooo, instead they allowed the rot to persists and gave them pretty girls to abuse. Again, humanity’s psychology has not changed that much.
can you say something like: “chimps throw poop” in your next post so I know if this is actually getting through? internet still spotty
. Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, Teach the man to fish, give him ways in which to acquire the tools he needs to catch fish. Then through his own efforts he will have the means to feed himself and his family and teach his children to do the same so that future generations can feed themselves = freedom. But it requires the man to be disciplined… disciplined enough to learn what is being taught, disciplined not only to practice using the tools and techniques, but to improve them in a way which allows them to work best for him. He must be disciplined to get up in the morning to catch the tide, and after all day fishing he must be disciplined enough to make sure his nets are mended, his hooks sharp, his boat seaworthy. In short give the man the means and then the success is largely up to him (or her…) Discipline = freedom! Capitalism = freedom. You guys are giving me the metehphorical methods of fishing – if i catch anything or not…well thats up to me. Awesomeness and can’t wait until the next podcast.
Jocko, I listened to this podcast and was really surprised, with how awesome it was! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy your podcasts, however your longer podcasts a normally cover topics from a generation or two before us. I didn’t really know too much about Congressman Crenshaw; I’ve watched some of his talks on the house floor, and I listen to kim on Instagram.
Brother, this was inspiring.
Just about a year ago, I was medically retired from the Marine Corps after 12 years of service. I didn’t really have a clue to what I want to do because all I ever wanted was to be a Marine. My degree is in Psychology, and I spent all my time in the fleet, so other than Combat I didn’t have a very robust background, or a Master’s Degree. Hearing the Congressman’s story really helped inspire me to look into a Master of Public Administration. I am not done serving, all I want is to serve our beloved country. I think I figured out how I can continue to serve.
You said, you read every comment. I hope I hear from you.
Outstanding conversation with Congressman Crenshaw, many thanks. BTW, pre-ordered his book while listening.
How about a future conversation with Mike Rowe?
Still catching up on these. Talk about relevant. Coronavirus, and now the protests.
Sounds like you need to have Dan back on to discuss and entertain this situation and the martyr of this guy. If you do and sure you will but please investigate this guys personal background, the police report, etc.
To bad Dans probably super busy though.
I hope this correspondence finds you, your family and your team in good health and spirits! I had the honor of meeting you and your team at the Echelon Front Muster in Chicago this past May, which was one of the best events I have ever attended in my life! Your podcasts, videos, and books have been a great inspiration and help to myself, my family, my friends, my clients and my team! I even had your phrase “Discipline Equals Freedom” tattooed on my arm as my first tattoo and I do my best to live up to that standard every day!
I know you are extremely busy and do not really expect you to read or reply to this correspondence, however, I would be so extremely honored and it would really help me if you did! Although, even if you do not, it will help me to just write these thoughts down for my own benefit to try and work through a very difficult situation that I am struggling with.
I was listening to your most recent podcast with Congressman Dan Crenshaw and his concept of “Having no plan B” and “Never Quitting” really struck me and prompted me to write this letter.
I am a 54 year old husband and father of 3 daughters. I have been married to the same woman, who I met in high school for over 30 years. Six years ago I sold my financial services business that I founded and built over 15 years to start a CrossFit fitness and nutrition business with my oldest daughter Regan. Our CrossFit business has grown to over 100 members, even though we are located in the very small rural town of Chelsea, Michigan, and it has been a greatly positive and fulfilling experience for me, our team and the 100s of people we help every day. Although I was a financial advisor for over 20 years and expected to make that my lifelong career, I never really felt that it was my true calling. I realized that I was only doing it to please others and for the money. I have always loved fitness, working out and pushing my body and mind as far as I can through hard physical challenges. When I started coaching others to live healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives by teaching them how to move better, eat better and break through their limits I knew that I had found my true calling! Even after six years of many long hours and weeks of growing our CrossFit and nutrition business I am still as passionate about it as I was on our first day in business! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 100% WHAT I WAS MEANT TO DO IN THIS LIFETIME!
Due to the corona virus we were forced to close our CrossFit business physical location about a month ago. Luckily, we had built the infrastructure to quickly pivot to doing online coaching for all our members and therefore we continue to provide them with significant value even though they are unable to physically come to our facility for their workouts. To date we have only lost 8 clients, however, I am sure that the longer this drags out we are bound to lose more due to members losing their jobs and when we are allowed to reopen I know it will be even more challenging due to the weak economy. I continue to fight every day to keep our current members engaged, informed, motivated and making healthy decisions in spite of the current situation and will continue to do so as long as we have members!
However, I have also invested all my savings that the IRS didn’t take as a result of an audit in our fitness business and am having a very difficult time providing my family financially and continuing to pay the businesses bills. I take full ownership and responsibility for my situation and realize that I should have saved more during the good times to prepare for times like this. I do not blame the government or the corona virus for my situation and I will not take any of the welfare or loans being offered by the government to small businesses due to the virus.
This brings me to the point of this correspondence and the concept of “Having No Plan B” as discussed with Congressman Crenshaw on your podcast. I am VERY conflicted regarding the correct course of action I should take to solve my financial challenges. My most important value and one that I have hopefully successfully taught to my three daughters and our CrossFit members is to NEVER QUIT and to not have a “Plan B”. I have always been an “all in” kind of a guy and am most fulfilled and at peace when I can devote all my efforts towards making one thing that I am passionate about successful. While, as I mentioned, I continue to service our CrossFit business members to the best of my ability, I have also started applying for regular jobs as a better means to support my family financially. Aside from anything bad happening to my family, the thought of having to go back to a “regular” job that I am not passionate about is my absolute worst nightmare! However, I am also willing to do whatever it takes to provide for my family! We have built a good team in our CrossFit business, however, they are all part time and I am concerned that the business will suffer significantly if I have to spend 10 hours per day working another job. It also kills me to think that when our CrossFit business is allowed to reopen I will be letting all of the members down who stuck with us through this if I am not 100% present when they come back because I am working some other job. It also kills me that I am letting my family down by not being able to provide properly financially for them and that I should only be focused on that!
Therefore, I am VERY curious as to what you would advise relating to your and Congressman Crenshaw’s concept of “Not Having a Plan B” regarding my situation. To me this would mean not quitting and getting another job and sticking with my CrossFit business until it can provide for my family financially or I have to close it down. Or it would mean closing my CrossFit business down and just getting a regular job.
Jocko, THANK YOU for your time and consideration in this matter and for everything you do and have done for me! I wish you, your family and team great health and success!
Cyril S. White
Just finished up listening to this podcast. I’ll admit I didn’t know a whole lot about Dan Crenshaw until now. I’m definitely hooked now. I went ahead and pre-ordered his book and can’t wait to start reading.
I appreciate all that you both do with this podcast. I have yet to listen to a podcast I didn’t like. And Jocko thank you for your service to this great country!
As a Veteran with PTSD,, you are an inspiration! Thank you for all you do! Your words give me hope and focus, and Dan Crenshaw is a beast! Thanks Brother”s!
These podcasts are not really podcasts anymore, they are PhD level courses on life. All of them are….every single one. I started at #1 and worked my way through the current 200 series. I teach middle school, and I should give these as mandatory homework. Hang in there everybody, we will get through this.
This is one of the top podcasts you have produced. This is critical to learn, understand, and change the direction of yourself and the people around you!
I’ve never listened to a podcast twice..until this one. Alot of what was said has influenced me to take a good long look in my mirror and evaluate my life. I’m of the same age and felt a little pathetic hearing all hes accomplished. I need to do more. Thank you for your service and these podcasts. They are great! Oh! My family has jumped on the “mulk traiiiin!” Lol these are great!
As I listened to these pod cast I really appreciate the amount of energy you and your team put into making these podcast truly educational for all of us who have not served. The very least I can give you, and ALL OF THE MEAN AND WOMEN, who served, or gave all they had in service to our country is an unparalleled level of gratitude. I have now moved to Canada, where we soon found out there is a very different level of appreciation for the people who serve in our military. I have always taken an opportunity to say “thank you for your service” to members of our military.
In listening to oh about 45 of your podcast in the last 8 weeks. Thank you for your leadership and your contribution. The first podcast I listened to left me so fired up I went down stairs and knocked out 100 burpees. My daughter came down stairs at 10 pm, and asked if she could do some burpees with me. I said “get in her and lets go”. After 2 weeks of listening to your podcast, I bought the book “The Way of the Warrior Kid”. My daughter (5 years old) wakes up and knocks out push-ups and I have her on “pull up negatives”. Both my girls (7 & 5 years old) have expressed goals of swimming on their own by the end of this summer. (6 weeks away). You are inspiring me to shed the softness that we see is befalling people of North America.
As a chiropractor I work with many veterans, and I see what is left of some veterans when they return home. I see some who are high spirited, and others who are struggling to adapt back. 2 months later, I have told many about your podcast because I know they can connect to what you are saying on a more profound level than I will ever know.
You give me hope for a stronger, healthier future. I love your guests as many are servicemen who are succeeding in the civilian ranks and business. I am sharing the information with my patients. Thank you for what you and your team do.
As soon as they open the borders back up I will be at one of your events!!
Wow, this is so cool. I think this is one of the best blog posts ever written. The standard of your work is very good. It’s a big deal.
This is the major point that was pointed out in the article and I love how it was addressed