0:00:00 – Opening
0:03:05 – MCDP 7, Learning. USMC.
1:59:58 – How to stay on THE PATH.
2:19:24 – Closing Gratitude.
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Hello Jocko and team!
First of all, thank you for doing what you do. It’s nice to have the message you guys share every week, consistently coming down the line.
Question: Where can I purchase copies of Marine Corps Publications? Specifically the newest “Learning” manual?
I have found various copies in thrift stores, but am not aware if there are copies readily available for purchase… or maybe my google skills just suck.
Thank you for keeping the warrior spirit alive and relevant.
The PDF is the first link when you google “MCDP 7, Learning. USMC”. It’s on marines.mil
What was the name of that chess documentary Jocko mentioned?
This is really important. Lifelong learners, are so important and should be the real heroes. I really love this information. Time for yet another book.