Dr. Karlyn Pleasants is a clinical Psychologist who specializes in adult and adolescent psychotherapy. She is also the Chief Clinical Advisor and a managing partner at Anew Treatment Center, Scottsdale AZ.
Megan Harrison holds a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy with experience in transgenerational trauma and mental illness.
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Such a great show today. Thanks for sharing that. Fascinating stuff. We all have to do our part to make metal illness normal to discuss. Well done good sir. So much more to learn.
You really missed the mark with this one. Of course our culture contributes to mental health disorders, that doesn’t make it less real for the people who are in it. The oversimplifications espoused in this podcast are potentially dangerous. Be more careful.
I would have enjoyed this podcast so much more if the women didn’t constantly use ‘uptalk’ . Uptalk or Upspeak is often considered to be unprofessional because it undermines the speaker’s level of competence in the eyes of the listener. Upspeak, also known as uptalk or high rising terminal (HRT), is a linguistic occurrence in which a speaker uses a rising inflection at the end of a declarative sentence. This rising intonation at the end of the sentence makes a statement sound like a question. It is Speech in which each clause, sentence, etc., ends like a question with a rising inflection starting in America with the Valley Girls of the 1980s …, uptalk became common among young women across the country by the 1990s. It sounds so annoying and immature and I sure wish professional women would get a ‘CLUE’ and talk in a normal tone again.
Thank you for having a Marriage and Family Therapist on to represent mental health needs!! The process of “systemic thinking” is a different (but much better, in my opinion) approach and we need more of it.
As an MFT myself, I appreciate when we, as a community, can share this type of thinking in the field. Thank you. I agree.
Such an amazing concert we saw today. I am grateful to you for sharing it. This is a fascinating topic. To make it acceptable to talk about mental illness, everyone of us has to do what we can. Nicely done excellent gentleman. There is still so much more to learn.
Honestly thank you so much for your page. I’ve perused all kinds of topics on your channel, and I always thoroughly enjoy all of your content.