0:00:00 – Opening/Gen. HR McMaster’s account in the First Gulf War. The Battle of 73 Easting. Tactical & Strategic lessons learned.
0:57:23 – The 4 Fallacies of Warfare.
1:24:50 – QUESTIONS and ANSWERS from the interwebs.
1:24:56 – Should you defend bad leaders to your men?
1:40:05 – How to avoid taking things too personally.
1:51:51 – Using too much strength in Jiu Jitsu. Training for better technique.
2:01:54 – What to do when someone lies, betrays trust, or “destroys” you.
2:15:12 – Direct Attack and Indirect Attack strategies.
2:17:21 – Dealing with the Daily Grind Struggle.
2:27:49 – Suggestions on how to actually employ Extreme Ownership and Discipline.
2:30:42 – Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko’s Kids’ Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster002
2:58:04 – Closing Gratitude
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Podcast 66, 2:01:54, the relationship was a job not a person but the thoughts really resonated with me. You and echo talking about seeing it for what it is, not what you think it is or want it to be, definitely gave me peace of mind with ending the relationship and moving on! Going to start a new job in a couple weeks! Can’t wait to get after it!
Jocko, you are the best. Been following you for some time. While H.R. McMaster was tactically brilliant in the battle of 73 Easting, what he is doing now is kinda tragic. I know it is a soldier’s place to take orders rather than question, but this massive ground war he is pushing for in Syria is a HUGE mistake that will inevitably cost American lives in a fight WITH AQ(?) God bless our troops. Godspeed.
Original story: https://medium.com/@Cernovich/h-r-mcmaster-manipulating-intelligence-reports-to-trump-wants-150-000-ground-soldiers-in-syria-83346c433e99
Bloomberg Version:https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-04-13/trump-said-no-to-troops-in-syria-his-aides-aren-t-so-sure
I wonder if you could give us your thoughts on a future podcast. A lot of guys are confused.