0:00:00 – Opening

0:06:09 – Rob Jones: A strong path to recovery.

1:02:117 – “I Can’t” VS “I Won’t”, and the 31 Marathons.

1:45:48 – Proofing the Lane for others.

1:50:51 – Closing Thoughts and take-aways.

2:10:02 – Support: JockoStore stuff, Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare and Discipline Pre-Mission, THE MUSTER 005 in DCOrigin Brand Apparel and Jocko Gi, with Jocko White Tea,  Onnit Fitness stuff, and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes)Extreme Ownership (book), Way of The Warrior Kid 2: Marc’s MissionThe Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, and Jocko Soap.

2:42:33 – Closing Gratitude.





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