0:00:00 – Opening: Sun Tzu
0:02:37 – What to do if a team mate is brown-nosing and putting in extra work to get a promotion.
0:31:43 – What to do when you get passed over for a promotion.
1:02:07 – What to do when you think you’re in a rut, or in a loop of failure.
1:10:23 – Know the difference. “Yes” Man VS Willing to smash all tasks., big or small.
1:13:43 – How to take control of your destiny at work.
1:17:51 – Are you happy where you are, REALLY?
1:23:46 – How to stay on THE PATH.
1:51:39 – Closing Gratitude.
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Jocko and Echo,
Hello, my name is Brian. You have a fine podcast and I’m an avid listener and practitioner. I’m writing you today to share a revelation that I’ve had in regards to my son. A revelation that has come while listening to episode 215. I’m sharing in part for thanks to you both, and in part that it might be beneficial to anyone else reading these comments. I love being a Dad. My boy’s are 7 and 5 and I have purposefully and successfully tried to have a close relationship with both of my sons throughout their young lives. Wrestling, playing baseball, doing puzzles, swimming, hiking etc. It is not an accident that I’m a hero to them. I meant to be from the beginning, because I know full well that the days are coming when they will need to be let go to fail and get up on there own and make there own way, ultimately realizing that Daddy is mortal. My oldest will soon be of an age where he will want to come see what I do for work. I have dreaded this for years. I’m a software engineer. I like what I do and I’ve had some success at it. But little boys don’t want to sit and see Daddy typing away on a computer (even if he does take hourly breaks for pushups). And with due respect to you Jocko, your not making things any easier when you talk about taking your son to a NAVY SEAL training site, that’s a hell of bar to reach for…lol. It occurred to me however that it doesn’t really matter what it is you do,… with a caveat. It has to be something that your excited about. That is what you kid should see you doing. You could be a street sweeper or a CEO. As long as you are imparting the message that “Look Son, I’m doing this and I’m Excited about it”. A message that, “I’m excited enough about this to work hard at it. When Daddy comes home and I’m tired from a long day, I’m happy because I like what I’m doing and it’s worth working hard for”. That seems to me to be the lesson worth teaching.
Anyway, I appreciate the conversation, thanks and have good one.
My favorite episode so far, really good stuff.
Excerpt please. 1:19:45 – 1:23:45