88: The Cost of Unpreparedness and The Importance of Fortitude. "Excursion To Hell"
0:00:00 - Opening
0:07:28 - "Excursion To Hell", by Vince Bramley
2:04:40 - Final thoughts and Take-aways.
2:22:14 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Origin Brand, Origin Jiu Jitsu Immersion Camp. Origin Brand. Extreme Ownership Muster 004 in San Diego.
2:52:01 - Closing Gratitude.
87: How to Act as a Leader. Importance of the Warrior Culture and in Leadership. "The Clay Pigeons of St. Lo"
0:00:00 - Opening
0:09:22 - "The Clay Pigeons of St. Lo" by Glover Johns
2:08:50 - Take-aways and final thoughts on the book. Warrior culture.
2:21:36 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Origin Brand, Origin Jiu Jitsu Immersion Camp. Origin Brand. Extreme Ownership Muster 004 in San Diego.
2:57:39 - Closing Gratitude.
86: How to Develop "Man Skills". Online Jiu Jitsu Training. Install Pride Into a Team. Shifting Mindset from Individual to Leader.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:04:52 - How to hold workout discipline when you have a hard physical job and kids, facing burn-out.
0:20:00 - How to install pride into a team/battalion/individual.
0:23:51 - How to develop "man skills" in an intellectual environment.
0:42:17 - Should you always be detached?
0:47:53 - Thoughts on The Gracie Academy online school and other Online Jiu Jitsu training.
0:55:06 - What to do when you have an egomaniac boss but you seek to LEAD.
1:02:34 - How to shift your mindset from individual contributor to manager.
1:14:25 - Why have Jiu Jitsu belts/ranking if they are not to be strived for?
1:33:57 - How to step into a manager role when everyone else has more experience than you.
1:40:49 - Training tips for LEO and Security Forces. And should we attack insurgents? Or the ideology itself?
1:46:47 - Is it unrealistic to train Jiu Jitsu with many many past and existing injuries?
1:58:53 - How to successfully deal with suicidal thoughts.
2:08:25 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Origin Brand, Origin Jiu Jitsu Immersion Camp. Origin Brand.
2:31:33 - Closing Gratitude.
85: Rationalizing Evil Deeds. Burden of Choice. Following Immoral Orders. "Ordinary Men"
0:00:00 - Opening
0:06:39 - Ordinary Men", Christopher R. Browning
0:24:52 - Executioners come in many forms.
0:34:55 - Cowards and Rationalization.
0:53:00 - The burden of choice.
1:22:34 - Why/How can men behave this way?
1:54:12 - Take-Aways
2:18:51 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Origin Jiu Jitsu Immersion Camp. Origin Brand.
2:41:25 - Closing Gratitude.
84: Importance of Trust, Discipline, and Creativity in Leadership. "18 Platoon."
0:00:00 - Opening
0:02:56 - "18 Platoon" by Sydney Jary. Trust, Discipline, and Creativity in Leadership
2:30:58 - Take-aways and lessons learned.
2:51:11 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.
3:18:25 - Closing Gratitude.
83: Your Children Are Watching You. How to Stop Making Excuses. Gaining Credibility Once It's Lost. Bad Bosses. Warrior Mentality While Getting Dumped.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:01:14 - A letter from a soldier to his sons from a fox hole in Iwo Jima.
0:09:54 - A letter from a mother to her daughter before her execution in Czechoslovakia.
0:53:29 - Recommended strength and conditioning for BJJ.
1:08:46 - Can you gain credibility back once you've lost it?
1:16:22 - How to lead a team dealing with the loss of a member to suicide.
1:24:14 - How to manage a team with a bad boss without creating division in the team.
1:30:51 - What is the "warrior mentality" when dealing with getting dumped by a significant other.
1:41:11 - False Motivation VS Authentic Leadership.
2:01:25 - How to stop making excuses if you are a "chronic excuse maker".
2:05:02 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.
2:29:26 - Closing Gratitude.
82: Struggles Lift You Up. UFOs, PEDs and HGH. Fitness Advice and Tips. Martial Arts. Motivation to Have Discipline.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:08:25 - "And We Go On", by Will R. Bird.
0:22:27 - "A Rumor of War", by Philip Caputo
0:38:07 - "China Marine", by E.B. Sledge
1:0117 - Lessons learned from these books.
1:20:45 - Quick Questions from Interwebs.
1:25:08 - Swimming and/or running for Jiu Jitsu conditioning?
1:33:42 - Advice for shoulder and/or Pec injury recovery regarding bench press.
1:41:16 - Meal Prep? Or Wing it?
1:42:32 - Best Striking Training?
1:50:36 - Do you take Creatine?
1:52:05 - Have you ever surfed in Europe?
1:52:37 - Getting in Shape with a BAD back.
2:00:34 - Thoughts on PEDs or HGH.
2:02:35 - Thoughts on UFO/Aliens?
2:08:31 - How to encourage a sense of urgency.
2:12:02 - Best Martial Arts training if Jiu Jitsu is not local (70+ miles away)
2:19:01 - How to get "The Desire" to have Discipline.
223:52 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.
2:44:24 - Closing Gratitude.
81: Great Leadership Advice from The British. An Anthology On Leadership for Battle and Life. "Serve To Lead"
0:00:00 - Opening
0:14:22 - "Serve to Lead: The British Army's Anthology on Leadership"
2:15:08 - Recap, Lessons, and the Take-Away.
2:16:39 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, and The Muster 003.
2:41:01 - Closing Gratitude.
80: How The Way of The Samurai Translates to Life Today. Musashi, "The Book of Five Rings"
0:00:00 - Opening
0:07:51 - Musashi, "The Book of Five Rings"
2:18:26 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, and The Muster 003.
2:38:44 - Closing Gratitude