0:00:00 – Opening
0:11:54 – Andrew Paul
0:16:36 – BUDS with Leif
0:19:52 – Detailed to Boat Unit
0:22:54 – Delta Platoon, Task Unit Bruiser
0:27:30 – Work-Up, Mikey Monsoor Stories, Learning about Leadership, Rough Tactics
0:52:17 – Deployment. Challenges, Stories, and Leadership
1:16:25 – Homecoming / Mikey KIA
1:29:13 – Rough Transitions to Civilian Life
1:43:24 – The Unassuming Badass in the Mortgage Business
1:49:14 – Internet / Onnit Stuff, JockoStore and Jocko White Tea
1:53:39 – Closing / Mikey Monsoor
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Just finished 42…absolutely fabulous job, Jockowill! Your closing commentary on behalf of your fallen brother is the most inspirational tribute I’ve ever experienced. God bless you for your service to the nation and to mankind and for your ongoing help to all of us individually thru your books & the podcast. Can’t wait to find out more about the possible East Coast Muster in 2017!!
Your supporter,
Redrope 64
I really appreciate your podcast in general, but the ones you host with veteran’s,like this one with Andy Paul, are the most powerful to me. It really helps those of us who did not serve to better understand and appreciate your collective sacrifice and bond with one another. It is also a nice kick in the ass when I have a “rough” day and struggle to get motivated. The sacrifice you and your brothers made and continue to make drives me to push forward and persevere. The way we can honor your service and sacrifice is not to waste a single day or ever give up.
I am a 44 year old civilian, father of 4, seperated but not divorced from my wife for 10 1/2 years. I have been a leader my whole life. Though second child of 6, I led my siblings, managed and own businesses. I hit a wall this Christmas, and depression struck me like a bullet. I had someone driving me around because I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t stand long and would fight to work a 6 hour day. My little bro is a priest and he told me to have a listen, and I am working my way through your episodes… good stuff, keep it up. Thank you, and all your men for your fight and example of warrior spirit. When mine was broken, I am glad there was yours to help. Out